There are times that the need we see can be overwhelming and knowing we can’t always meet everyone’s needs is disappointing. So, inviting the truck driver stuck at the Baker Road truck stop to come for food and a gas card when we don’t have the food we want for our existing clients was a gut decision, not one based on our available resources.
But always remember to go with your gut, right?
The driver, Diane, had been abandoned by her company, left without a load and payment for her return trip. She had no gas or food to continue her journey south and had been stuck there for four days. We said come to the Dexter pantry and we will help.
She had come in with an infectious smile and warmth, despite her circumstances. After receiving a food order and some funds for gas, she sat while waiting for a ride back to the truck stop. Sitting next to a regular client, I could see Diane listening to her, and sharing comfort and support, so needed for someone who was having a really tough week. She laughed and chatted easily with the volunteers and staff, spreading love and joy. While waiting, she received a call from her previous company, inviting her to her old job! She left talking about the food pantry she helps out at, and new ideas for them she learned about from ours.
As she hugged goodbye and thanked us all, I realized why she found her way to us that day, and how we gain so much from these chance encounters. She touched everyone at the office and gave us what we needed that day; not losing hope and keeping the faith…