Our work is supported by many individuals, businesses, community groups, youth groups, and faith groups, as well as grants. If you would like more information on how your group can help, please contact us. We are a safety net organization and are open to all. We began over 40 years ago in the back of one church, and many more folks and partners have now joined forces to help people in the community.
Below is a (likely incomplete, as more help all the time) list of organizations who regularly support FIA with financial, food donations, and other needs. Thank you!!!!
- Chelsea First United Methodist Church
- Chelsea Hospital
- Chelsea Kiwanis
- Chelsea Retirement Community
- Covenant Church
- Dexter Rotary Club
- Dexter Lions Club
- Dexter Family Services
- Dexter and Chelsea Area Schools
- Dexter and Chelsea Area Scouts
- Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
- First Assembly of God
- First Congregational United Church of Christ
- Food Gatherers
- Huron River Methodist Church
- Material Girls
- New Harvest
- North Lake United Methodist Church
- Our Savior Lutheran Church
- Silver Maples Resident Chapel
- St. Andrew's United Church of Christ
- St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
- St. James Episcopal Church
- St. Joseph Catholic Church
- St. Louis Center
- St. Mary Catholic Church
- St. Paul United Church of Christ
- United Way for Southeast Michigan
- Wags to Whiskers-Chelsea
- Zion Lutheran Church